
Cal Jalpí Pineda

ruta al centre

Can Jalpí

Can Jalpí was the residence of the notaries of Montpalau, which for a long time was under the ownership of the Coll family. During the attack of the Turks, the notary of the town was kidnapped and a ransom had to be paid for him, and the town was ransacked.
Nor was it the only attack suffered by the notary of Can Coll. In 1485 and during the War of the Remences, peasants entered the notary of Pineda and burned the archives. These same farmers also stormed the castle and demolished the tower as a symbolic act. Later on the Sentència Arbitral de Guadalupe put an end to such maltreatment.
The notary was given indefinitely to the Coll family, by the viscounts of Cabrera, in 1481. Jaume Coll was the first owner of the Coll family, who settled in the Can Jalpí masia. The notary was so important that delegations were established throughout the municipality of Montpalau, in particular those of the towns of Calella and Arenys.